Sunday, May 29, 2011
Solusi Anak Cerdas
Membaca tulisan halaman demi halaman di blog ini merupakan bukti yang cukup untuk menyebut Anda adalah orang tua yang serius ingin memberikan yang terbaik untuk buah hati Anda. Karenanya Anda meneliti dan menyusur semua informasi mengenai hal ini.
Saya sangat merasa bahagia Anda sudah meyakini suatu hal bahwa Tumbuh Kembang Anak mencakup perkembangan Kognitif, Afektif dan Psikomotor sudah perlu diperhatikan sejak dini sehingga sang buah hati tumbuh menjadi insan sempurna.
Terima Kasih
Solusi Anak Cerdas
Lihat! 14 Cara Berbeda Menggendong Anak
Gambar-gambar di atas hasil pencarian di google search engine.
Stres Dilihat Dari Cara Ibu Menggendong Anak
Studi yang dilakukan Universitas Durham, Inggris, diungkapkan oleh, menemukan, cara menggendong bayi bisa menjadi indikator kunci, apakah ibu mengalami depresi atau stres ringan.
Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan terhadap sejumlah ibu dan bayi (usia rata-rata 7 bulan) menunjukkan: 86% dari kelompok ibu yang tidak memperlihatkan tingkat stres tinggi/depresi, lebih suka menggendong bayinya di sebelah kiri. Sementara hampir separuh kelompok ibu yang depresi, cenderung menggendong bayinya di sebelah kanan.
Stress Views of How the Mother Holding a Baby
Apparently, there are differences between mothers who suffer from stress than those who do not know the stress, because of how the son mengendong.
Studies at the University of Durham, UK, revealed by, find, how to keep your child may be a key indicator, whether women suffer from mild depression or stress.
The results of research conducted on the number of mothers and children (mean age 7 months) showed: 86% of the group of mothers who showed high levels of stress, depression, prefer to keep their children on the left. While nearly half of all mothers who are depressed, they tend to keep your child on the right.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Cara Mudah Membuat Artikel Bahasa Inggris Untuk Posting
Dalam dunia internet marketing, berlaku hukum yang sampai saat ini dibenarkan oleh banyak internet marketing dunia, yaitu :
Ya, semakin banyak artikel, semakin bagus content website kita, semakin banyak keyword yang akan mendatangkan traffic dan pengunjung, maka semakin banyak peluang kita mendapatkan uang dari bisnis di internet.
OK, kita sama-sama sadar bahwa menulis artikel bahasa inggris sangatlah sulit, apalagi jika kita belum terbiasa menulis artikel. Tetapi jangan khawatir, saat ini banyak website yang menyediakan fasilitas yang membuat kita mudah menulis artikel bahasa inggris.
Coba deh, teman-teman lakukan cara mudah berikut ini:
- Pergi ke dan cari sebanyak mungkin artikel orang lain yang ada di sana. Tentu saja cari artikel yang ada hubungannya dengan tema website kita.
- Copy paste artikel yang kita inginkan ke dalam ”notepad”, salahsatu software standarnya microsoft di komputer kita. Kenapa harus ke notepad? Kenapa tidak kita copy ke document MS Word saja? Sebaiknya kita copy paste ke notepad, agar hyperlink-text pada artikel tersebut secara otomotis sudah hilang.
- Perhatikan dan edit sebentar, jika ada kata atau kalimat yang aneh. Sebentar saja!
- Pergi ke Website ini sangat bermanfaat sekali bagi kita yang baru belajar internet marketing dan mengalami kesulitan menulis artikel bahasa inggris. Dengan menggunakan software ini, maka artikel orang lain yang tadi kita copy paste, dapat kita ubah susunan kalimat dan kata-katanya, sehingga menjadi berbeda dan unik.
Sebelum bisa menggunakan software ini, kita harus registrasi dulu menggunakan alamat e-mail. Copy paste ke artikel yang tadi kita simpan di notepad, kemudian kita spin atau ubah dan tra.. la… la…… jadi deh artikel baru yang unik dan berbeda.
- OK. Kalau sudah sekarang kita pergi ke dan translate artikel tadi dari bahasa inggris ke jerman (contoh), kemudian dari jerman translate ke perancis (contoh), lalu dari perancis translate ke inggris kembali. Maka hasilnya, artikel tersebut sudah semakin unik dan berbeda.
- Baca dan perhatikan kembali apakah ada kata-kata atau kalimat yang aneh.
- Artikel siap kita upload ke website.
Traveling With Kids: Travel Must-Haves
Daytime gear – put together a kind of day pack where you can put your money, lip balm, water bottle, snacks, sun block, hand sanitizer, antibacterial wipes, sweater and a bunch of other things you might need during the day. This a convenient way to have all the things you need with you while leaving your hands free. Prepare one for each member of the family and spread your stuff around so no one has to carry everything by him/herself.
Pack each family member’s shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste and other toiletries in water-proof pouches. Choose pouches that are big enough to contain these items yet small enough to pack easily. Tip: At present there are regulations for carry-on luggage: bottles must be 3 oz. or less in a transparent pouch.
Emergency Kit
A lot of things can happen during a trip so it is best to be prepared. Put together an emergency kit that contains a mini-sewing kit, a decent all-purpose foldable tool (e.g. Swiss army knife), a conversion plug for electrical devices you’re bringing with you (110/220) and small flashlights. As for medications, take everything in clearly marked original containers to avoid trouble at customs. Include antibiotics, aspirin, anti-itch, anti-fungal, band aids, thermometer, and a pair of tweezers and put these in a small pouch.
Instant cleaners
You will be spending a lot of time on road, and at some point your family will have to eat. Pack hand sanitizers so each member of the family, especially kids, can clean their hands before touching food. Food and drinks can easily spill in the car so it is important to bring antibacterial wipes for quick cleanups.
Pass times
Kids get bored so easily so it is wise to bring stuff that they can use to pass time. These include toys such as playing cards, books, Legos; gadgets like iPods and Mp3 players; or anything that your kids like that you can stow conveniently in your carry-on. You can also buy new, small and inexpensive toys that you can surprise your kids with. Being stuck in a seat can get really frustrating for kids, but with a new toy as a distraction, it would be a lot more bearable. You don’t have to buy something expensive. After all, they will only be used to entertain your kids.
Packing for infants and toddlers
When packing for infants and toddlers, think that you are going to a childless friend’s house for a long weekend – and then plan your diaper bag accordingly. Sure you can buy most, if not all the things you’ll need at local pharmacies or groceries, but you wouldn’t want to take a huge chunk of your vacation time doing just that.(Deborah
How to Clean Your Baby’s Toys
Here’s how to keep your baby’s toys as clean and germ-free as possible:
First, make sure there are 2 to 3 different sets of toys so you can alternate cleaning and sanitizing. Babies usually have a lot of toys to choose from so alternately taking them in and out to be cleaned and sanitized is not a problem.
Put the toys that you want to clean warm soapy water and let them soak for about 5 minutes. Use an effective cleanser that is safe for your baby. There are some cleaners out there that do not contain harsh chemicals but use plant based cleaning agents instead.
After soaking the toys, scrub them to remove dirt and grime. Germs can stick to the surface so it is necessary to scrub them. Make sure to scrub each toy thoroughly. After cleaning the toys, rinse them thoroughly to get rid of all soap residue.
Some would recommend sanitizing babies’ toys in a solution of ¼ cup of household bleach to a gallon of water since diluted bleach is considered safe for cleaning children’s toys because chlorine evaporates quickly. However, research has shown that cleaning with bleach and other chemicals releas poisons in the air we breathe at home. What’s more, harmful toxins may be ingested by your child (since kids put things in their mouths) however small the amount. Long term exposure could result in serious illnesses such as lung disease and tooth corrosion.
As thus, it is best to use baby-safe all purpose wipes that contain natural cleaning agents and no harmful chemicals.
You might also want to consider using hydrogen peroxide. It is a non-toxic, oxygenated bleach that is one of the most environmentally safe chemicals on the market today. It works by releasing oxygen to do the bleaching process and then converts them to water once the process is complete. It is also biodegradable. Use it to disinfect baby’s stuff especially after he/she has had a cold or the flu.
You can also disinfect toys by wiping them with a mixture of baking soda and warm water or white vinegar and warm water. Both baking soda and white vinegar are natural, mild disinfectants that are safe for your baby as well as environment friendly.
To clean stuffed toys that cannot be machine washed, put them in a plastic bag and sprinkle them with baking soda. Shake up the bag and let stand for about 15 minutes. Vacuum off the baking soda.
Deborah Williams is a child care expert consultant on a non-government organization promoting natural household cleaners and eco friendly cleaning.
BabyGanics is the manufacturer of natural baby products made with all-natural ingredients for effective and non-toxic cleaners.( Williams)
Ideal Bedding for Babies
In his write-up on how to search for the ideal baby crib bedding, you will find some real help. An ideal baby bedding should neither be too hard nor too fluffy. In the past, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) was related to particularly soft and fluffy baby beddings. This happened when the little one's bed mattress is way too fluffy and soft that his / her nasal area and mouth area gets covered and also the air he exhales would become the air he breathes. This is certainly hazardous for him because he would inhale co2 instead of oxygen and the consequences might lead to sleepiness, coma or even death.
There are plenty of styles in selecting the baby's bed. Knowing that, it employs that the baby bedding should be a great optimal match with the selected equipment. Various major choices are usually: a bassinet, a baby's crib or perhaps a cradle. What distinguishes one from the other sorts of bedding? A bassinet is usually an oblong-shaped holder which functions as a bed for a baby. However many times, rounded bassinets are also obtainable. A baby's crib is usually a bed that is flanked by using high side bars for an infant or small baby's safeness. Baby cribs are usually more cost-effective because the baby can make use of it from infancy to a couple of years. The third option i.e. cradle is a little low bed which the baby uses and has rockers on its stand. In all of these, the material which makes the bedding should certainly notify and alert the mom about how much safety measures are essential.
Bassinets are generally lacey and are fully composed of trimmings. The baby bedding should fit the bassinet in order that the baby's space is greater than the required for her or him to be able to roll from side to side. The baby's crib is normally rectangular, therefore, bedding can be fitted to the sizing of the crib. The baby bedding generally is a set of coverlet as well as skinny cushions. Hotdog cushions can also be placed. Nevertheless, the pillows and cushions must not be more than 2-3 else the baby can rise on them and may fall. The cradles are available in a variety of designs and sizing. A number of moms favor cradles with the intention that if in a situation the baby is cranky, he/she can be easily rocked to be calmed down. The baby bedding for a cradle must stick to the form of it. Not much can go within it because it is employed primarily to rock the newborn to sleep. Nevertheless, one needn't to possess all the three to maintain the baby safe, warm and secure. This would completely depend on the parent's preference. The most preferred is definitely the baby's crib because it can be utilized for a long period.
Once we've dealt with the basic equipment, how can we decorate and furnish it by using baby crib bedding? We've formerly discussed the fact that the baby bedding should certainly fit proper sleeping equipment to prevent accidents and various other untoward mishaps. The best option of the material to implement is pure cotton because it functions as an absorbent and is pretty mild n cool to the baby's skin. Various designs should be used in order to activate the baby's pattern and color recognition. Consequently, the baby bedding is really a critical element in keeping a baby joyful and healthy.
Mark Stoten writes for OzbabyExpress, an Australian online baby shop selling all the essential baby gears like baby beddings, bouncers, changing tables etc.( Stoten)
How to Care for Your Baby’s Hair
Fortunately there’s a way for you to make the process a lot easier.
Washing your baby’s hair
For younger babies, ask your doctor about the right bath products to use. You may also ask him or birthing center personnel to show you how to properly wash the hair.
Use a wet washcloth with warm water to gently rub your baby.
For older babies, you can use a mild, tear-free shampoo. But first, untangle the hair using a wide tooth comb to prevent further tangling her hair during bath time.
If you are bathing in a big tub, cradle your baby’s head in one hand. Gently lather up with one hand while supporting her firmly with the other. If you are using a reclined baby tub, simply wet the hair and lather it up with tiny amount of shampoo. Rinse thoroughly until no lather appears when you rub your baby’s hair. Avoid drying your baby’s scalp by shampooing on two to three times a week.
Combing your baby’s hair
For younger babies use a soft bristled brush since they generally do not have much hair yet.
For older babies, you can use either a soft bristled brush or a small toothed comb, depending on the amount of hair your baby has. If she has fine, wispy hair, a brush will make her hair shiny. If she has long, thick hair, use the comb to remove tangles.
Gently comb from roots to ends.
If your baby has thick, curly or long hair, divide it into sections. Start with the part closest to the neck first then work your way in sections towards the top of your baby’s head.
Trimming your baby’s hair
When your baby is old enough to have her hair trimmed, choose a time when she is in her best mood.
Sit your baby on a high chair or booster seat. If you do not have a seat, ask your partner, relative or friend to hold your baby in his or her lap.
Drape a cape or towel over your baby’s shoulders.
Give her a toy or play movie to distract her during the process.
Gently wet your baby’s hair.
To trim her bangs, take section of hair between two fingers and run them down to the point where you would like to cut it. Your fingers are your guide in creating a straight cut across.
The same step goes for cutting hair at the back and sides.
Talk to your baby to gently encourage her during the hair cut.
Lastly, avoid pulling the hair into tight ponytails or braids as this can cause bald spots. Also never, use a hair dryer as this can damage your baby’s hair.
Deborah Williams is a child care expert consultant on a non-government organization promoting environmentally friendly cleaning products and eco friendly cleaning.
BabyGanics is the manufacturer of natural baby products made with all-natural ingredients for effective and non toxic cleaning.
( Williams)
How to Make Personalized Baby Gift Baskets
To make your gift unique and more memorable, why not give the parents and the baby a personalized gift basket? Making a personalized gift basket is easy and affordable. All you need to prepare are wicker baskets, assorted baby products, various items for the parents, and decorative items such as ribbons.
First, gather as much information as you can about the baby. You can ask the parents or the couple’s close friends. Find out about the baby’s gender, his or her name, and his or her exact birth date. You can also do a little research on the meaning of the baby’s name. The information can come in handy when you create your baby gift basket.
Start making your personalized gift by choosing the wicker baskets. Choose a basket that can accommodate all the items you want to give the parents and the baby. You don’t want to have to overcrowd a wicker basket that’s too small, and you don’t want to use a basket that’s too big either.
After choosing the baskets, buy the baby items from a Calgary shop specializing in baby products. Fill your baby gift baskets with useful gifts. Smaller items like baby soap, shampoo, ointment, and extra bottle nipples are more ideal than diapers and blankets. Avoid traditional gifts; instead, think of unique yet useful products for the baby.
Don’t forget to pack your Calgary gift baskets with items for the parents, too. These items may include bags of herbal tea, parenting magazines, or scrapbooks. Gift certificates for products and services for the baby are also ideal for new parents. You can also attach a creative congratulatory card to the basket.
Once all items are properly packed, start decorating the gift basket. You can opt to tie colorful ribbons to the basket’s handle, or wrap the base of the basket in attractive wrapping paper. Gift baskets are best presented along with a bouquet of flowers from the best florists Calgary is home to.( Lenhart)
Slice And Bake Cookie Set Encourages Your Children to Learn While They Play
Here are the delights that await your pre-school child: a dozen wooden cookies in a cardboard tube that looks just like a tube of cookie dough from the local store. The cookies are held together with Velcro, so they stay together when slid out of the tube. Your child will love the satisfying 'slicing' sound the Velcro makes as they use the supplied toy wooden knife to 'slice' the cookies apart. Pre-school children may find this part of the process challenging, but fun.
Next the child can place the cookies on the cookie sheet and make pretend that they're baking. Once they're finished, the child can use the oven mitt to handle the 'hot' baking sheet. Now it's time for decorating!
Your child will have endless fun decorating the freshly 'baked' cookies with wooden 'chocolate' and 'vanilla' frosting pieces, which attach to the cookies via Velcro. These pieces are brightly painted to represent different kinds of decoration - sprinkles, icing and candy pieces, so your child can get creative in producing different combination of toppings for the cookies.
Once the decorating is finished, your child will proudly remove the cookies from the tray, using the supplied toy wooden spatula, and serve them to friends and family.
Slice and Bake Cookie Set comes supplied with: toy cookie dough tube, 12 wood cookies, 12 decorative toppings, wooden spatula, wooden cookie tray, toy wooden knife and oven mitt.
Note that these wooden toy kitchen utensils are not intended for use with real food.
Children have immense fun playing with this toy on their own, but it's also great for parent-child interaction.
Adults can play counting and matching games, place custom cookie orders, and any number of other activities to engage the child's imagination. ( George)
Child Custody Strategies - How To Win Your Child Custody Battle
The first step is hiring a good lawyer. This may seem obvious or maybe you think you can handle this on your own. It is and you can't. Without proper child custody strategies you have no real chance of winning. Think of this as a war and you need the best General out there to protect you. A child custody attorney has been through this many times, so he gives you the best chance to be well represented. For referrals, ask around chances are you know someone who's been through this before. If you can't find a personal recommendation, you can always call your local state bar.
Once you're armed with a good attorney, the next most important child custody strategy is to work with him to build a clear picture of why the child is best placed with you. It is not enough to say the other parent is a bad or neglectful parent, you need facts and examples. Testimony from clergy members, teachers, even doctors is ideal. Also, document every incident that supports your child custody case. Don't just say my child is being neglected; describe "neglected." Describe her clothing, hair, nails, etc. describe in detail the signs that lead you to your beliefs and fears. Bring in the tattered clothing, photos, videos etc. these help lend credibility and paint a clear picture in the judge's mind.
Another powerful tool in your child custody strategy arsenal... don't get caught up in name calling or mudslinging; stick to the facts. It's important the judge understands you're not trying to keep the other parent from the child completely. You just feel he would be healthier living with you on a full time basis. Remember, this is all for the best interest of the child. Reminding the court of every lousy thing the other parent has done takes the focus off of what a great parent you are.
This process can be slow and intimidating; however by arming yourself with the best child custody strategies you improve your chances of a positive outcome. ( Katz)
Advice For Parents With Gifted Children
Ascertaining Competence
Step one to assisting gifted boys and girls, is realizing their giftedness. A necessity, because children that enjoy outstanding skill-sets unrecognized, might be left enduring psychosocial handicaps. Some might have no desire for learning, due to the fact they're put in grades that are not adequate to their talents. Some may also be put off by children of a comparative age, as there may be no commonalities.
Parents are able to ascertain any gifts in their children, by way of normal observation. Their children might exhibit enthusiasm and great abilities for particular activities and pastimes. Some moms and dads might even discover their children’s skill-sets, from the local school, or by means of an assessment through educators and educational consultants in general.
Stimulate Social Interaction
Gifted children sometimes feel strange compared to others their own age. In order to circumvent any promotion of brooding and interpersonal remoteness, stimulating social interaction is essential. This can be achieved by setting up opportunities for your child to create companions, by signing up for special outings or meetings, setting up simple parties and enrolling in preschool.
Explore Connected Communities
One method to assist your child to equally, interact socially and expand his or her talents, is to locate appropriate social groups, or communities for your child to enrol with. All of these types of associations afford interpersonal means for your child to talk about and examine their specific attraction, via those with the same enthusiasms. This could very well become an achievement in social learning, given that it means that your child will feel that he or she really fits in somewhere.
Keep the Lines of Communication Open
Gifted children are no different from all the other boys and girls, in relation to the necessity of approval and understanding. It is vital that you take the time to talk over with your child, his or her interests, hobbies and anything else that concerns them. A close bond with parents is also another step towards ascertaining and fixing any problems, worries, or circumstances, that can torment talented children. Setting aside quality discussion time for children, is the best of any parenting advice.
Supplying Diverse Pursuits
A child who displays outstanding aptitude and attraction to a particular talent, skill or pursuit, might need professional guidance establishing their abilities. For this reason, signing up your child in courses pertaining to his or her natural ability, is something to consider. Emphasizing what a child excels at can be the cornerstone to a fulfilling occupation or line of work.
It is a good practice to provide a broad contact with other pastimes, as your child may miss out on other interesting pastimes, from centering exclusively on his or her skill-set or gift. Include your child in the deciding on other diverse pursuits, that she or he may choose to become interested in.
These has just been some simple advice for parents with gifted children. Remember, kids typically are all individuals, no two are the same. As the needs of your gifted boy or girl are going to be different to the needs of other children, the most pertinent advice is to be observant and gradually try out different things, monitoring the results. No one can appreciate your child better than yourself.(
What To Look Out For When You Sense You Could Be The Parent Of A Troubled Teen
In a lot of cases, depression is the number one culprit for a teenager's disruptive behavior, so the more you know about detecting depression the better. Despite the fact that teens are moody and often unpredictable, when they start to fall into certain behavior patterns more help is usually needed. These behaviors can sometimes just be a portion of a quick phase, but if it goes on for more than a couple of weeks then it is time to call in a professional.
If you notice your child becoming harder to deal with as far as using harsh words or violence then you should definitely be looking for any other troublesome signs that follow. If your teenager ditches their current social group and becomes a loner or attaches themselves to a different, often less favorable group then they are likely going through some hard times. When these things take place you need to question your child if possible and try to assess the situation. A teen will often ignore important things like education and friends and become very apathetic. Though it is common for youngsters to rebel, when they do so consistently it is time to seek assistance.
Teens who are suffering from depression, anxiety, and even ADHD that is left untreated often turn to forms of self medication. When your child begins to abuse these types of substances then it is definitely time to get them the help they need as quickly as possible. Though many parents claim that they were oblivious to their teen's drug problems there are almost always warning signs. Uncharacteristic sleeping patterns are some of the more obvious signs along with becoming socially withdrawn and spending a lot of time alone in their room or away from home. Drugs don't have to be of the illegal type to pose a problem, either. The drugs that most teens first experiment with come from inside their own home. It can be something as simple as beer or cough syrup, but if they can take enough of it to alter their state of mind they are abusing it.
Any adult who suspects their youngster might be a troubled teen is probably right. Most parents who start to seek help for their young one do so based solely on parental intuition. Teenagers rebel and will often reject your help at first, but later on in life they will thank you.( Stearns)
Advice for a Healthful Baby
Thomas the Tank Toy Trains - Bringing Joy to Children Everywhere!
Thomas the Tank Engine!
Thomas the Tank Engine was introduced in 1946 in the second book of a series called “Thomas the Tank Engine.” Thomas is a tank engine, painted blue with red lining, and displays the number one. All of the trains portrayed in The Railway Series were based on prototypical engines; Thomas has origins in the E2 Class designed by Lawson Billinton in 1913.
Thomas and Friends started as a children's show in 1984 and has since grown into a huge lucrative business of toys and merchandise for children. The shows main focus is on teaching young children to count, spell, and even learn some basic history lessons they wouldn't learn until entering school. Since Thomas is a train, children have a better ability to exercise their imaginations and gain appreciation for simpler activities that many adults once knew as children.
The little toy trains in Thomas were designed with young children in mind as a unique way of grabbing their attention. Today the wooden toy trains found in Thomas the Tank Engine resemble the same basic wooden trains played with by adults when they were young. The cars can be seen painted eye-catching shades of red, blue, green, and yellow, and often come with cute little wooden blocks to carry as "freight".
Thomas the Tank Engine makes a wide variety of other accessories to go along with the toy trains. Some of their more Deluxe Stations are very popular among children as they engage small minds with realistic sounds of whistles and movement helping children’s imaginations to run free.
The Deluxe Stations also come with several friends children love to play with such as Max and Monty. These two twin brother dump trucks teach children the importance of sharing. The brothers think they’re experts in construction and have a tendency of bossing around the smaller machines, but in the end they always learn to share their space.
My children have been fans of Thomas the Tank Engine. He is just one of the many great toys that will last a lifetime. Toys should be fun and educational experience for our youngsters. Children many times don’t realize it, but they learn a number of things-- colors, shapes, small motor skills, communication, real-life experiences, etc. while in play.
Thomas has been bringing joy to children for many generations. Maybe it’s the simple layout of the show and story books that captivate small minds or maybe it’s the simple character faces easily recognizable for small children. Nevertheless I think Thomas the Tank Engine may continue to win the hearts of many more generations of children to come!( Gagne)
Methods For Earth-friendly Parents
Annually we understand and find out far more things as a human race. It was a great day when researchers confirmed that dark chocolate is in fact healthy for you. In the past few years we have found that there are many everyday items in our house that create toxins within our home. Adults usually are not troubled by these chemicals, yet they can be really dangerous for infants. Being a green parent today means safeguarding your child from harmful toxins in your house. By just making a good choices you can help to make your new baby's world much healthier and safer for them. Here are several green tips for new parents.
The four walls of the baby's room is a place where you can make a significant difference. A typical paint can create smog when sunlight hits it, so try a low VOC paint. The low VOC paints are readily available on the market nowadays.
There are several things you should think about when considering furniture for your baby’s room. Recycling is an excellent thing for the environment, and lots of parents want vintage furnishings for the baby’s room. First make certain you look into the safety of vintage pieces. Take a look at consumer web-sites for any recalls. Additionally, you will need to make certain that you remove all paint from the pieces. This is very important due to lead paint that had been banned in 1977. Even if the piece is more recent, you cannot be sure if some repainted it and with what sort of paint. You should be cautious of furniture produced from medium density fiberboard since it off-gasses formaldehyde that may cause asthma.
Among the best ways you can be a green parent would be to buy an organic baby's crib mattress. Organic items are made from toxin-free materials. A non-organic mattress comes from the manufacturing plant with a lot of chemicals. This is evident by the smell. Should you choose chose to go with a non-organic crib mattress, just be sure to give it time to air out somewhere it can get fresh air, however, not directly outdoors.
The great baby diaper discussion has been raging for many years. Disposable baby diapers fill the landfills, but fabric diapers need energy and water to wash. Well let us place the environment aside and take into consideration your baby’s bottom and skin. The cloth diaper is best for baby’s delicate skin. In addition disposable diapers do have off-gassing. One challenge with cloth diapers is that you have to empty the “mess” in to a commode before you launder them. This is where the hybrid diaper includes the best of all possible worlds. You can find cloth diapers with 100% biodegradable inserts that could be flushed or thrown away.
It is very important for you to keep your house clean for baby, however you'll want to stay away from cleaners with VOC. Use the smell test to see if you are using a cleaner containing VOC’s. If when you clean you can smell the chemicals, there is a good chance its content has VOC’s. You can buy environmentally friendly and healthier cleaners, or you may also use steam to clean.( Burns)
Worrying About Your Newborn Baby
Worry is a way that parents look out for and see to the needs of their children. However, constant concern over small issues will not make things better. If you see an issue or note something out of the ordinary with your newborn, address it without panic or call your pediatrician. You can make yourself very nervous if you go
on the internet and read about sudden infant death syndrome, croup and other situations. Any respiratory problem should be looked at by a physician and monitored but keep in mind that getting a cold or cough is very common.
New parents, especially, tend to worry over every whimper or cry, blemish or scratch, but usually it is nothing but normal responses or reactions. Take care of baby, but don't stress yourself out. Most parenting books have a balance approach in helping someone know the signs of when to seek medical attention. Your confidence will increase with time and experience. Remember, that children can pick up fear and you want to help your child feel secure and comfortable. If your child does have a rash or any illness, use laughter and play to help them relax. The immune system is effected by our environment and emotions. As a parent your own judgement and
decision making process is also improved by relaxation and staying calm. It is easy to make impulsive decisions when we are very nervous.
Turning to another adult in the family by phone can be a help when you feel that you are too clouded by your emotions. You'll be able to get another perspective on your child's condition and this can help you get your balance back.( Cohen)
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